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Full-Stack with ASP.NET & Angular
Application: Book Library
installing vs (2:42)
course introduction (1:00)
presentation full stack (4:33)
creating an api project (4:33)
exploring the api project in depth (8:54)
structure of an asp net api (2:29)
creating the book model (2:31)
creating the book controller from scratch (7:06)
http request and responses presentation (6:18)
creating the get all books endpoint (7:15)
configuring the project for controllers (5:13)
adding a redirection for the default route (3:08)
asp api review before moving on (2:06)
installing node js (2:09)
installing the angular cli (3:37)
installing visual studio code and extensions (3:19)
creating your first angular project (4:50)
angular project deep-dive (8:58)
creating the book interface (5:04)
creating the book list component (10:00)
binding data of components (4:47)
binding a book object (2:17)
creating an ngFor loop to show multiple books (7:17)
creating an angular service (5:56)
building the book service (6:16)
sending a get request with observable to the api (5:07)
using the book service in our component (9:30)
configuring cors to allow api access (4:33)
Application: Employee Management System
installing net 9 (1:12)
project introduction employee management system (2:49)
updating visual studio (0:45)
enabling preview features in vs (1:32)
vreating the asp employee management project (2:27)
employee model creation (3:04)
installing Entity Framework Core (5:28)
creating and registering a database context (8:34)
adding a db set for our employees to the db context (2:27)
configuring CORS for angular (2:37)
using the repository design pattern and creating the interface (10:22)
creating the employee repository class (5:56)
employee repository logic for adding (7:27)
employee repository logic for getting (3:48)
employee repository logic for updating and deleting (8:37)
registration of the repository for the dependency injection (5:27)
creating the employee API conroller with a create endpoint (7:06)
adding and configuring Swagger (10:41)
testing an endpoint with Swagger (8:06)
getAll Endpoint (6:04)
getById Endpoint (7:33)
create Endpoint (6:48)
delete Endpoint (4:06)
update Endpoint (8:13)
API review (1:17)
angular project creation (2:57)
employee interface and employee table component (3:23)
environments for the api url (4:37)
creating the employee service (5:40)
loading employees from the api (5:47)
showing the employee data in a table (5:45)
defining routes in angular (6:30)
creating a simple navigation menu based on routes (3:14)
preparing the employee form (5:54)
creating the employee form and data binding (9:51)
finishing the employee form (4:54)
extending the service to send a http post request (5:46)
handling observable erorrs and showing error messages with conditional rendering (11:37)
deleting employees (8:59)
edit employee route (8:54)
reading a param from the url (9:45)
loading the employee to edit (9:48)
editing an existing employee (6:31)
exploring bootstrap (5:52)
installing bootstrap (9:04)
styling a navbar (8:02)
styling the employee table (12:35)
styling the employee form (10:03)
Why we need validation (3:24)
ASP Validation with Data Annotations (7:19)
ASP Validation logic with Model State (5:45)
Angular template driven form validation (9:52)
Validating the entire form (5:46)
Toggling the form button based on the form state (3:57)
Logic for general error messages (2:15)
creating and registering a database context
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